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Code | Topics | Description | Self-learning |
F01 | Item link | links display in different type | No |
F03 | Hide | Hide item | No |
F05 | Viewport event | Use buttons to group as a sub-menu. When user scroll the page, change the color of sub-menu button | No |
F07 | Collapse | use collapse to collapse the 2nd level in sub-menu | No |
F09 | Database | create a database for showing course info is table view | No |
F11 | Track event with GA | use Google Analytic to record click event | No |
F12 | Use HTML | Send/receive variable to iframe | No |
F13 | Use JavaScript | use JavaScript (not support DOM) on redirect URL to external site | No |
F14 | Use CSS, JavaScript and jQuery in iframe | use iframe to write CSS, JavaScript and JQuery code | No |
P01 | Google Search tool | Allow search content in the site with Google Search and use Google Analytic to record the keywords | No |
P02 | Dynamic Page | a dynamic page showing each course as a web page with sub-menu | No |
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